18th Constitutional Amendment, domestic-law-section-5 section-5
Abdul Baqi vs. The State – 2019 PCrLJ Quetta 442, case-law-section-4 section-4
Abolition of Forced Labour Convention, 1957 (No. 105), domestic-law-section-2 section-2
Acid Control and Acid Crime Prevention Act 2010, domestic-law-section-2 section-2
Afghan-Pakistan Transit Trade Agreement 2010, international-treaties-and-standards section-1
Agha Zubair vs. The State – 2019 Y L R Note 93, case-law-section-5 section-5
Al Jehad Trust, case-law section-1
American Convention on Human Rights, international-treaties-and-standards-section-4 section-4
Amjad Shah v the State – PLD 2017 Supreme Court 152, case-law-section-8 section-8
Anti-Dumping Duties Act 2015, domestic-law section-1
Anti-Money Laundering Act 2010, domestic-law section-1
Anti-Terrorism Act 1997, domestic-law section-1
Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997, domestic-law-section-4 section-4
Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997, domestic-law-section-5 section-5
Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997, domestic-law-section-6 section-6
Antiquities Act, 1975, domestic-law section-1
Arab Charter on Human Rights, international-treaties-and-standards-section-4 section-4
ATA 1997, domestic-law-section-3 section-3
Attaullah vs. The State – P L D 2019 Balochistan 75, case-law-section-4 section-4
Azeem Khan v Mujahid Khan – 2016 SCMR 274, case-law-section-8 section-8
Balochistan Child Protection Act, 2016, domestic-law-section-7 section-7
Balochistan Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Act 2014, domestic-law-section-2 section-2
Balochistan Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Act, 2014, domestic-law-section-6 section-6
Bangkok Rules, international-treaties-and-standards section-1
Basel Convention on the Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes, international-treaties-and-standards-section-2 section-2
Bashiran Bibi v. Station House Officer, case-law-section-3 section-3
Basic Principles for the Treatment of Prisoners 1990, international-treaties-and-standards-section-4 section-4
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, 1951, international-treaties-and-standards section-1
Beijing Declaration on South-South Cooperation for Child Rights in the Asia Pacific Region, international-treaties-and-standards-section-7 section-7
Benazir Bhutto vs. The President of Pakistan – P L D 1998 Supreme Court 388, case-law-section-4 section-4
Bilal Akbar Bhatti vs. Election Tribunal, Multan – P L D 2015 Lahore 272, case-law-section-5 section-5
Bill on Ratification of International Treaties, domestic-law section-1
Birth, Marriage and Death Registration Act 1886, domestic-law-section-2 section-2
Body of Principles for the Protection of all Persons under Any Form of Detention or Imprisonment definition of arrest., international-treaties-and-standards-section-3 section-3
Bonded Labour (Abolition) Act, 1992, domestic-law-section-7 section-7
Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act 1992, domestic-law-section-2 section-2
Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam, international-treaties-and-standards-section-4 section-4
Carriage of Goods by Sea Act, 1925, domestic-law section-1
Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biodiversity, international-treaties-and-standards-section-2 section-2
CCPR General Comment No. 20 (Prohibition of Torture, or Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment), international-treaties-and-standards-section-4 section-4
CEDAW Committee – Fifth periodic report submitted by Pakistan 2018, international-treaties-and-standards-section-5 section-5
Charter of the United Nations, international-treaties-and-standards section-1
Chemical Weapons Convention, international-treaties-and-standards section-1
Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Ordinance 2000, domestic-law section-1
Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation, international-treaties-and-standards section-1
Child Marriage Restraint Act 1929, domestic-law-section-2 section-2
Child Marriage Restraint Act 1929, domestic-law-section-7 section-7
Children (Pledging of Labour) Act 1933, domestic-law-section-2 section-2
Children (Pledging of Labour) Act, 1933, domestic-law-section-7 section-7
Code of Conduct for Punjab Police Officers, domestic-law-section-4 section-4
Code of Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Act 2011, domestic-law-section-3 section-3
Code of Criminal Procedure 1898, domestic-law-section-7 section-7
Code of Criminal Procedure 1898, domestic-law-section-8 section-8
Code of Criminal Procedure 1898, domestic-law-section-4 section-4
Code of Criminal Procedure 1898, domestic-law-section-5 section-5
Code of Criminal Procedure 1898, domestic-law-section-6 section-6
Committe on the Rights of the Child General comment No. 24 (2019) on children’s rights in the justice system, international-treaties-and-standards-section-7 section-7
Committee on the Rights of the Child – General Comment No. 10 – 2007 – Children’s rights in juvenile justice, international-treaties-and-standards-section-7 section-7
Committee on the Rights of the Child – General Comment No. 10 – 2007 – Children’s rights in juvenile justice, international-treaties-and-standards-section-5 section-5
Communication No. 560_1993, A. v. Australia (Views adopted on 3 April 1997), in UN doc. GAOR, A_52_40 (vol. II), p. 143, paras. 9.3 and 9.4., case-law-section-3 section-3
Communication No. 754_1997, A. v. New Zealand (Views adopted on 15 July 1999), in UN doc. GAOR, A_54_40 (vol. II), p. 254, para. 7.2., case-law-section-3 section-3
Concluding observations on the initial report of Pakistan – CCPR_C_PAK_CO_1-EN, international-treaties-and-standards-section-4 section-4
Constitution of Pakistan, domestic-law section-1
Constitution of Pakistan, domestic-law-section-4 section-4
Constitution of Pakistan, domestic-law-section-5 section-5
Constitution of Pakistan, domestic-law-section-6 section-6
Convention against Narcotic Drugs and Psychotroic Substances 1988, international-treaties-and-standards-section-2 section-2
Convention against Torture, international-treaties-and-standards-section-2 section-2
Convention against Torture, international-treaties-and-standards-section-4 section-4
Convention Against Torture, international-treaties-and-standards section-1
Convention concerning Discrimination in Respect of Employment, international-treaties-and-standards-section-2 section-2
Convention for the Protection of all persons from Enforced Disappearances, international-treaties-and-standards section-1
Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, international-treaties-and-standards section-1
Convention for the Suppression of Financing of Terrorism, international-treaties-and-standards section-1
Convention on Biological Diversity, international-treaties-and-standards-section-2 section-2
Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species, international-treaties-and-standards-section-2 section-2
Convention on Minimum Age for Admission to Employment, international-treaties-and-standards-section-2 section-2
Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, international-treaties-and-standards section-1
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, international-treaties-and-standards section-1
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, international-treaties-and-standards-section-6 section-6
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of genocide, international-treaties-and-standards-section-2 section-2
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Optional Protocol, international-treaties-and-standards-section-6 section-6
Convention on the Rights of the Child, international-treaties-and-standards-section-2 section-2
Cr.P.C. 1898, domestic-law-section-3 section-3
Criminal Law (Amendment) (Offences Relating to Rape) Act, 2016, domestic-law-section-6 section-6
Criminal Law (Amendment) Act 2004, domestic-law-section-2 section-2
Criminal Law (Amendment) Act 2010, domestic-law-section-2 section-2
Criminal Law (Second Amendment) Act 2011, domestic-law-section-2 section-2
Criminal Law (Second Amendment) Act, 2011, domestic-law-section-6 section-6
Criminal Law (Third Amendment) Act 2011, domestic-law-section-2 section-2
Criminal Law (Third Amendment) Act, 2011, domestic-law-section-6 section-6
Criminal Laws (Amendment) Act, 2017, domestic-law-section-7 section-7
Disabled Persons (Employment and Rehabilitation) Ordinance 1981, domestic-law-section-2 section-2
Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Act, 2013 (Sindh), domestic-law-section-6 section-6
Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Bill, 2012, domestic-law-section-6 section-6
Dost Muhammad v. Additional Sessions Judge Barkhan at Rakhni., case-law-section-3 section-3
Dr. Mehmood Nayyar Azam vs. State of Chhatisgarh – Supreme Court of India – 2013 S C M R 66, case-law-section-4 section-4
Dr. Yasin Zia v. Government of Punjab – P L D 2016 Lahore 94, case-law-section-4 section-4
Employment of Children Act 1991, domestic-law-section-2 section-2
Employment of Children Act, 1991, domestic-law-section-7 section-7
Employment of Children Rules (Forms) 1995, domestic-law-section-2 section-2
European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment, international-treaties-and-standards-section-4 section-4
European Convention on Human Rights, international-treaties-and-standards-section-5 section-5
FATF Recommendations, international-treaties-and-standards section-1
FFR v. Federation of Pakistan, case-law section-1
Foreigners Act 1946, domestic-law-section-3 section-3
Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, international-treaties-and-standards section-1
GC no. 6 ICCPR on Article 6, international-treaties-and-standards-section-8 section-8
General Clauses Act 1897, domestic-law-section-5 section-5
General Comment 8 on Article 9 of the ICCPR, international-treaties-and-standards-section-3 section-3
Ghulam Hussain v. The State, case-law section-1
Ghulam Mohy-ud-din alias Haji Babu v the State – 2014 SCMR 1034, case-law-section-8 section-8
Ghulam Sarwar’s Case, case-law-section-3 section-3
Guidelines on the Applicable Criteria and Standards relating to the Detention of Asylum Seekers and Alternatives to Detention, international-treaties-and-standards-section-3 section-3
Hakim Mumtaz Ahmed v. The State., case-law-section-3 section-3
Hanover Fire Insurance, case-law section-1
Haseeba Taimoor Afridi v. The State, case-law-section-3 section-3
Hassan and others v The State and others – PLD 2013 Supreme Court 793, case-law-section-8 section-8
HRC Review of Pakistan, reports section-3
Human Rights Case No. 29388, case-law section-1
Human Rights Committe General Comment No. 32 – Article 14 Right to equality before courts and tribunals and to a fair trial, international-treaties-and-standards-section-5 section-5
Human Rights Committee concluding observations on Pakistan’s initial report in 2017, international-treaties-and-standards-section-3 section-3
Human Rights Committee, Concluding Observations- Argentina, UN Doc CCPR_CO_70_ARG (2000), para. 10, international-treaties-and-standards-section-3 section-3
Human Rights Council Opinion 11_2018, international-treaties-and-standards-section-3 section-3
Iftikhar Ahmad v the State – 2019 SCMR 1224, case-law-section-8 section-8
Iftikhar Ahmed Khan v Asghar Khan – 2009 SCMR 502, case-law-section-8 section-8
ILO Convention C138 – Minimum Age Convention, 1973 (No. 138), international-treaties-and-standards-section-7 section-7
ILO Convention C182 – Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention, 1999 (No. 182), international-treaties-and-standards-section-7 section-7
ILO Convention No. 100 – Equal Remuneration
ILO Convention No. 111 – Discrimination, international-treaties-and-standards section-1
ILO Equal Remuneration Convention, 1951 (No. 100), international-treaties-and-standards-section-2 section-2
ILO Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29), international-treaties-and-standards-section-2 section-2
ILO Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention no98, international-treaties-and-standards-section-2 section-2
ILO Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention, 1999 (No. 182), international-treaties-and-standards-section-2 section-2
Imran Maqbool v. Federation of Pakistan, case-law section-1
Inbox Business Technologies Ltd. vs. Pakistan 2018 P T D 621, case-law-section-5 section-5
Industrial Relations Ordinance 2002, domestic-law section-1
Initial reports of States parties due in 2011 footnote 107, reports section-3
International Commission of Jurists definition of administrative or preventive detention, reports section-3
International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings, international-treaties-and-standards section-1
International convention on Migrant Workers, international-treaties-and-standards section-1
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, international-treaties-and-standards-section-2 section-2
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, international-treaties-and-standards section-1
International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the crime of apartheid, international-treaties-and-standards-section-2 section-2
International Covenant of all forms of discrimination against women, international-treaties-and-standards-section-2 section-2
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, international-treaties-and-standards-section-8 section-8
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, international-treaties-and-standards-section-7 section-7
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, international-treaties-and-standards-section-2 section-2
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, international-treaties-and-standards-section-5 section-5
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, international-treaties-and-standards-section-4 section-4
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, international-treaties-and-standards section-1
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, international-treaties-and-standards-section-6 section-6
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, international-treaties-and-standards-section-7 section-7
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, international-treaties-and-standards-section-2 section-2
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, international-treaties-and-standards-section-5 section-5
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, international-treaties-and-standards-section-6 section-6
International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights, international-treaties-and-standards section-1
Introduction to Police Order 2002 – CPDI – Pakistan, reports-section-2 section-2
Islamabad Capital Territory Child Protection Act, 2018, domestic-law-section-7 section-7
Juvenile Justice System Act 2018, domestic-law-section-3 section-3
Juvenile Justice System Act 2018, domestic-law-section-2 section-2
Juvenile Justice System Act, 2018, domestic-law-section-7 section-7
Juvenile Justice System Act, 2018, domestic-law-section-4 section-4
Juvenile Justice System Ordinance, 2000, domestic-law-section-7 section-7
Juvenile Justice System Ordinance, 2000, domestic-law-section-4 section-4
Khizar Hayat v the State – 2006 SCMR 1755, case-law-section-8 section-8
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Disabled Persons (Employment and Rehabilitation) Act 2012, domestic-law-section-2 section-2
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Elimination of Custom of Ghag Act, 2018, domestic-law-section-6 section-6
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Prohibition of Employment of Children Act, 2015, domestic-law-section-7 section-7
Khyber Pakthunkhwa Child Protection and Welfare Commission Act, 2010, domestic-law-section-7 section-7
KP Child Protection and Welfare Act 2010, domestic-law-section-2 section-2
KP Police Act 2017, domestic-law-section-3 section-3
Kyoto Protocol to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, international-treaties-and-standards-section-2 section-2
Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, international-treaties-and-standards section-1
Lal Khan v the Crown – PLD 1952 Lahore 502, case-law-section-8 section-8
Legal Practitioners and Bar Councils Act 1973, domestic-law-section-5 section-5
Lunacy Act 1912, domestic-law-section-6 section-6
Maintenance of Public Order Ordinance 1960, domestic-law-section-3 section-3
Ministry of Interior vs. The Special Court – P L D 2020 Islamabad 82, case-law-section-5 section-5
Montreal protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer, international-treaties-and-standards-section-2 section-2
Mst. Rukhsana Bibi, case-law section-1
Muhammad Amin vs. The State 2007 PCrLJ 1303, case-law-section-4 section-4
Muhammad Hashim Raza vs. The State – 1997 M L D 1130, case-law-section-5 section-5
Muhammad Ismail v the State – 2017 SCMR 713, case-law-section-8 section-8
Muhammad Nadeem Arif vs. Inspector General of Police, Punjab – 2011 SCMR 408, case-law-section-5 section-5
Muhammad Sharif v the State – 2019 SCMR 1368, case-law-section-8 section-8
Muhammad Sharif v the State – PLD 2009 Supreme Court 709, case-law-section-8 section-8
Muhammd Afzal, Ex-Assistance Sub-Inspector vs. Senior Superintendent of Police, Operations, Lahore – P L D 2005 Lahore 377, case-law-section-5 section-5
National Commission for Minorities Act 2015, domestic-law-section-2 section-2
National Commission on the Rights of the Child Act, 2017, domestic-law-section-7 section-7
National Commission on the Status of Women Act 2012, domestic-law-section-2 section-2
National Conrmission on the Rights of Child Act, 2017, domestic-law-section-2 section-2
Natonal Mechanism for Reporting and Follow-up – Treaty Reporting Monitoring – United Nations, reports-section-2 section-2
NCSW v. Government of Pakistan, case-law section-1
Noor Muhammad v. SHO Police Station KlurKot, case-law-section-3 section-3
NWFP Compulsory Primary Education Act 1996, domestic-law-section-2 section-2
Optional Protocol to the CAT Convention, international-treaties-and-standards section-1
Optional Protocol to the Child Rights Convention on Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict, international-treaties-and-standards-section-2 section-2
Optional Protocol to the CRC on the involvement of children in armed conflict 2002, international-treaties-and-standards section-1
Optional Protocol to the CRC on the Involvment of Children in Armed Conflict, international-treaties-and-standards-section-7 section-7
Optional Protocol to the CRC on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography, international-treaties-and-standards-section-7 section-7
Optional Protocol to the CRC ont he sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, international-treaties-and-standards section-1
Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, international-treaties-and-standards-section-2 section-2
PAF Act 1953, domestic-law-section-6 section-6
Pak Army Act 1952, domestic-law-section-6 section-6
Pak Navy Act 1961, domestic-law-section-6 section-6
Pakistan Bar Council Free Legal Aid Rules, 1999, domestic-law-section-5 section-5
Pakistan Citizenship Act, 1951, domestic-law section-1
Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority Ordinance, 1982, domestic-law section-1
Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997, domestic-law section-1
Pakistan Penal Code 1860, domestic-law-section-7 section-7
Pakistan Penal Code 1860, domestic-law-section-8 section-8
Pakistan Penal Code 1860, domestic-law-section-3 section-3
Pakistan Penal Code 1860, domestic-law-section-4 section-4
Pakistan Penal Code 1860, domestic-law-section-6 section-6
Pakistan Penal Code 1860, domestic-law-section-2 section-2
Pakistan Prison Rules 1978, domestic-law section-1
Pakistan Prison Rules 1978, domestic-law-section-6 section-6
Pakistan Prison Rules 1978, domestic-law-section-2 section-2
Pakistan Prison Rules 1978 (Final), domestic-law-section-7 section-7
Pakistan Prison Rules 1978 (Final), domestic-law-section-4 section-4
PILDAT Right to Free and Compulsory Education in Pakistan 2011, reports-section-2 section-2
Police Order 2002, domestic-law-section-3 section-3
Police Order 2002, domestic-law-section-4 section-4
Policies for Special Persons in Pakistan Analysis of Policy Implementation – Mughees Ahmed, et. al., reports-section-2 section-2
Prevention and Control of Human Trafficking Ordinance, 2002, domestic-law-section-7 section-7
Prevention of Trafficking in Persons Act, 2018, domestic-law-section-7 section-7
Prevention of Trafficking in Persons Act, 2018, domestic-law-section-6 section-6
Principles for the Protection of All Persons under any Form of Detention or Imprisonment, international-treaties-and-standards-section-3 section-3
Prisoners Act 1900, domestic-law-section-6 section-6
Prisons Act 1894, domestic-law-section-2 section-2
Prisons Act, 1894, domestic-law-section-7 section-7
Prisons Act, 1894, domestic-law-section-4 section-4
‎Prohibition of Smoking and Protection of Non-Smokers Health Ordinance 2002, domestic-law section-1
Protection Against Harassment of Women at the Workplace Act, 2010, domestic-law section-1
Protection Against Harassment of Women at the Workplace Act, 2010, domestic-law-section-2 section-2
Protocol No. 13 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, international-treaties-and-standards-section-8 section-8
Protocol on the Abolition of the Death Penalty – Organization of American States, international-treaties-and-standards-section-8 section-8
Punjab Commission on the Status of Women Act 2014, domestic-law-section-2 section-2
Punjab Destitute and Neglected Children Act, 2004, domestic-law-section-7 section-7
Punjab Employees Efficiency, Discipline and Accountability Act, 2006, domestic-law-section-2 section-2
Punjab Free and Compulsory Education Act 2014
Punjab Marriage Restraint (Amendment) Act, 2015, domestic-law-section-7 section-7
Punjab Prohibition of Child Labour at Brick Kilns Act, 2016, domestic-law-section-7 section-7
Punjab Restriction on the Employment of Children Act, 2016, domestic-law-section-7 section-7
Qanun e Shahadat Order 1984, domestic-law-section-4 section-4
Qanun e Shahadat Order 1984, domestic-law-section-5 section-5
Ratification of Foreign Agreements by Parliament Bill, domestic-law section-1
Reformatory Schools Act, 1897, domestic-law-section-7 section-7
Rehan v. The State, case-law-section-3 section-3
Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers Gabriella Knaul, international-treaties-and-standards-section-3 section-3
Report of the UN Working Group on Enforced Disappearances 2012, international-treaties-and-standards-section-3 section-3
Reproductive-and-Healthcare-Rights-Act-2013, domestic-law-section-2 section-2
Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, international-treaties-and-standards section-1
Rohaifa vs. Federation of Pakistan – 2012 S C M R 388, case-law-section-4 section-4
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, international-treaties-and-standards-section-8 section-8
Rules of Business 1973 (amended till 2020), domestic-law section-1
SAARC Convention on Preventing and Combating the Trafficking in Women and Children for Prostitution, international-treaties-and-standards-section-7 section-7
SAARC Convention on Regional Arrangements for the Promotion of Child Welfare in South Asia, international-treaties-and-standards-section-7 section-7
Sabeeha v Ibrar and others – 2012 SCMR 74, case-law-section-8 section-8
Saima Bibi vs. Additonal Sessions Judge (East), Islamabad – 2018 PCRLJ 1328, case-law-section-4 section-4
Saqib Raza v. The State, case-law-section-3 section-3
Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political RIghts, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty, international-treaties-and-standards-section-8 section-8
Security of Pakistan Act 1952, domestic-law-section-3 section-3
Sikandar Shah vs. The State – 2000 PCRLJ 1962, case-law-section-5 section-5
Sindh Child Marriages Restraint Act, 2013, domestic-law-section-7 section-7
Sindh Child Protection Authority Act No.XIV of 2011, domestic-law-section-2 section-2
Sindh Child Protection Authority Act, 2011, domestic-law-section-7 section-7
Sindh Children Act 1955, domestic-law-section-2 section-2
Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs 1961, international-treaties-and-standards-section-2 section-2
Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, international-treaties-and-standards-section-3 section-3
Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, international-treaties-and-standards-section-4 section-4
State v. Nasir Javed Rana, case-law-section-3 section-3
Statute of the International Court of Justice, international-treaties-and-standards section-1
Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, international-treaties-and-standards-section-2 section-2
Stockholm Declaration and Agenda for Action 1996 – Against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, international-treaties-and-standards-section-7 section-7
Sumayyah Moses vs. Station House Office, case-law section-1
Suo Motu Case 14 of 2009 – 2010 GBLR 50, case-law-section-4 section-4
Suo Motu Case No. 4 of 2010 – P L D 2012 Supreme Court 553, case-law-section-5 section-5
Superintendent Land Customs Torkham (Khyber Agency) v. Zewar Khan, case-law section-1
Tariq Mehmood v the State – 2011 SCMR 1880, case-law-section-8 section-8
The Geneva Conventions 1949, international-treaties-and-standards section-1
The Guardian and Wards Act 1890, domestic-law-section-2 section-2
The Mental Health Ordinance 2001, domestic-law-section-2 section-2
The Mental Health Ordinance 2001, domestic-law-section-6 section-6
The National Commission for Human Rights Act, 2012, domestic-law-section-2 section-2
The Police Rules, 1934, domestic-law-section-3 section-3
The Police Rules, 1934, domestic-law-section-6 section-6
The Protection of Breast-Feeding and Child Nutrition Ordinance 2002, domestic-law-section-2 section-2
The Protection of Women (Criminal Laws Amendment) Act 2006, domestic-law-section-2 section-2
The Punjab Destitute and Neglected Children Act 2004, domestic-law-section-2 section-2
The Punjab Disabled Persons (Employment and Rehabilitation) (Amendment) Bill 2015, domestic-law-section-2 section-2
The Punjab Protection of Women against Violence Act 2016, domestic-law-section-6 section-6
The Punjab Protection of Women against Violence Act 2016 – A Legislative Review – Muhammad Khursheed Siddiqi, domestic-law-section-2 section-2
The Punjab Women Protection Authority Act 2017, domestic-law-section-6 section-6
The Territorial Waters and Maritime Zones Act 1976, domestic-law section-1
Tne North-West Frontier Province Establishment of a Commission on the Status of Women Act, 2009, domestic-law-section-2 section-2
Torture and Custodial Death (Prevention and Punishment) Bill, 2020, domestic-law-section-2 section-2
UN Basic Principles and Guidelines on Remedies and Procedures on persons deprived of their liberty, international-treaties-and-standards-section-3 section-3
UN Commission on Human Rights definition of arrest., international-treaties-and-standards-section-3 section-3
UN Convention against Corruption, international-treaties-and-standards-section-2 section-2
UN Convention against Corruption, international-treaties-and-standards section-1
UN Convention against Torture, international-treaties-and-standards-section-3 section-3
UN Convention against Transnational Organised Crime, international-treaties-and-standards section-1
UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, international-treaties-and-standards section-1
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, international-treaties-and-standards-section-7 section-7
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, international-treaties-and-standards-section-5 section-5
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, international-treaties-and-standards-section-4 section-4
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, international-treaties-and-standards-section-6 section-6
UN Human Rights Council Report 2017, reports-section-2 section-2
UN Standard Minimum Rules for Non-Custodial Measures (Tokyo Rules), international-treaties-and-standards-section-3 section-3
UN Standard Minimum Rules for treatment of Prisoners, international-treaties-and-standards section-1
United Nations Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Sea, 1978, international-treaties-and-standards section-1
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, international-treaties-and-standards section-1
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, international-treaties-and-standards section-1
United Nations Rules for the Protection of Juveniles Deprived of Their Liberty, international-treaties-and-standards-section-3 section-3
United Nations Security Council Act 1948, domestic-law section-1
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1267, international-treaties-and-standards section-1
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1373, international-treaties-and-standards section-1
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1456, international-treaties-and-standards section-1
United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Administration of Juvenile Justice (Beijing Rules), international-treaties-and-standards-section-3 section-3
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, international-treaties-and-standards section-1
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, international-treaties-and-standards-section-5 section-5
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, international-treaties-and-standards-section-4 section-4
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, international-treaties-and-standards-section-6 section-6
US State Department Pakistan Human Rights Report 2015, reports-section-2 section-2
Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, international-treaties-and-standards section-1
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, international-treaties-and-standards section-1
West Pakistan Family Courts Act 1964, domestic-law-section-2 section-2
West Pakistan Maternity Benefit Ordinance 1958, domestic-law-section-2 section-2
West Pakistan Maternity Benefit Rules 1961, domestic-law-section-2 section-2
Women in Distress and Detention Fund Act 1996, domestic-law-section-2 section-2
Women protection against domestic violence, domestic-law-section-2 section-2
Yokohama Global Committment 2001 – Against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, international-treaties-and-standards-section-7 section-7
Zainab Alert, Response and Recoverey Act 2019, domestic-law-section-2 section-2
Zainab Alert, Response and Recovery Act, 2020, domestic-law-section-7 section-7